
»The difficulty is not to do things, but to create the conditions under which one can do them.«

This sentence by the Romanian-French sculptor Constantin Brancusi is both a motto and a guide to action. The rapid technical development of photography makes it increasingly impossible for art photographers to produce their art under optimal conditions.

This is where p: photography unlimited berlin comes into play as our Association in Oberschöneweide sets up a place with workshops and laboratories where the best conditions exist for creating good art. Here we want to preserve artistic photography as an art form in its analogue and digital forms, to promote its production and above all to facilitate its further development.

As a registered non-profit organization, p: photography unlimited berlin also establishes the Berlin hub of a photography network together with all necessary commercial and non-commercial partners. It includes publishers, galleries, institutions and museums, paper manufacturers, picture framing, the printing workshop of the Professional Association of Visual Artists BBK, universities and technical colleges and above all art photographers from all over the world.

The goals ofp: photography unlimited berlin are:

  • The provision of workshops and, at a later step, studios for art photographers
  • Best advice and the creation of a framework for the professional exchange between our users and cooperation partners
  • The integration of the production house in the district of Treptow Köpenick and developing an aura beyond this
  • The creation of a photography network which, at best, extends far beyond the city of Berlin